the fam

the fam

Wednesday, October 28, 2009


This is the one year anniversary of my father’s passing and Lindsay’s birthday. Also I had my Woodbadge beading tonight along with Ralph Willet. A day filled with mixed emotions... I love my dad and I miss him. He had the funniest sense of humor and loved to make other people laugh. He was thoughtful of other’s needs and would help out his friends at the drop of a hat. He loved my mom more than anything in the world and was fiercely devoted to the principles of the gospel, to the Savior and to the church that he joined over 40 years ago.

I am grateful to him for being my father and for the way in which he and my mother raised me. I owe them a lot.

Lindsay is such a fun person! She recently cut her hair and it suits her so well! I just love it. Robert and I sent her a poster for her birthday through Kathy Thurgood and her Thur-goodies business in Orem. She loved it!

I’ve wanted to be Woodbadge trained for over 6 years and I’m finally there! We had our ceremony tonight and I am now officially a Bobwhite. I love it. George and Janet were there, Greg and Patti, who MC’d the ceremony, and from my patrol... Justin, Kris, Brian (who came from Flagstaff) and Ralph, who was also beaded. Robert presented us with our beads and Bryan Colby, our troop guide, presented us with our neckerchief and woggle. Brian’s uncle, Joel Skinner also came, along with Edell Washburn from another troop. It was great. Woo Hooo!

This month Brian also had his Wisdom Teeth removed. He actually did quite well and was up and around later in the day. In fact, he went to a party that night. Oh, to be young again!

And this month, Catherine and I had a "Sleepover with Grandma" night. She did her best to stay awake, but she finally fell asleep in my bed...


  1. We love and miss Grandpa too...our thoughts are with you and Grandma. Congrats on the scouting award...I don't know what that even means but it sounds like quite the accomplishment. Can't wait to see you guys. I was just baking cookies with Sadie and she was giving me all sorts of pointers with all the cooking knowledge you passed onto made me smile. Love ya!

  2. I thought of him a lot yesterday too. He is so amazing and i miss him! its crazy to think its already been a year.
    Tell Ralph I say hi.. I love that guy. And thanks again for the poster.. Love you!
